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Delicious Recipes to Elevate Your Holiday Parties.

The air is crisp, the leaves have changed colors, and Mariah Cary’s All I Want for Christmas is somehow already playing in the distance. Thanksgiving is upon us, which means holiday party season is around the corner. With all the wonderful flavors that autumn and fall bring,  go the extra mile this year and spice up your holiday parties with CBD-infused cocktail recipes to keep your taste buds tingling and your guests talking. 

First things first:

CBD is not THC. It will not get you high. These are not liquid “edible” recipes. CBD is a cannabinoid found in the cannabis plant, and has been known to help with anxiety, stress, pain relief, inflammation, and mood regulation. 


How to Cook with CBD

Most CBD recipes call for CBD oil, which is made by extracting CBD from the cannabis plant and blending it with carrier oil. Soul CBD’s CBD oils incorporate MCT oil from coconuts to make it easier for the body to absorb. These oils are then given decadent, all-natural flavors like peppermint, orange, and watermelon-mint—all of which are vegan, organic, and gluten free—which can be taken on their own, or put into fun food and drink recipes. 


Tips for adding CBD to your cocktails

  1. If this is your first time incorporating CBD into your recipes, start slow. It can take a little practice to find your dosage sweet spot, so try adding in a few drops for the first few recipes and going from there.
  2. Keep your CBD oil in a cool and dry place and away from humidity and sunlight.
  3. Do not heat your CBD oil over direct heat, as it will negatively impact the overall effectiveness of your CBD. (Don’t add it into your mulled wine saucepan, for example. Add it in after you’ve poured it into glasses.)



Holiday Peppermint Hot Cocoa



Infuse the steamed milk with a few drops of Soul CBD Peppermint CBD oil. Combine the infused steam milk with cocoa powder and peppermint syrup. Top with whipped cream and garnish with candy canes.

Apple Cider Sangria


  • 1 bottle, standard size (750ml) of pinot grigio

  • 2 1/2 cups fresh apple cider

  • 1 cup club soda

  • 1/2 cup ginger brandy

  • 3 honey crisp apples, chopped

  • 3 pears, chopped

  • Soul CBD Orange-flavored CBD oil 


Combine all ingredients together and vigorously stir. Refrigerate for an hour or longer before serving.

Cranberry-Orange Mimosa



Use cold ingredients. Make sure both your cranberry juice and champagne are chilled, and keep any you don’t use in the fridge until people inevitably ask for seconds! Add in a few drops of Soul CBD Orange-flavored CBD oil to the pitcher and mix in well before pouring.

Serve in champagne flutes. 

Whether you’re a seasoned CBD-mixologist, or are trying it out in recipes for the first time, CBD is a great addition to festive cocktails, especially with Soul CBDs delicious, all-natural flavors. Make a tasty cocktail with a Soul CBD oil? Let us know! 
